Our adventure begins with a visit to Aphrodisias, named after the goddess of love, Aphrodite. As we explore the ruins of this ancient city, you'll be transported back in time to a place where art, culture, and religion flourished.

Temple of Aphrodite: Marvel at the remains of the Temple of Aphrodite, once a magnificent sanctuary dedicated to the goddess of love and beauty. Admire the intricate carvings and sculptures that adorned the temple, reflecting the city's devotion to its patron deity.

Stadium: Discover the ancient stadium of Aphrodisias, one of the best-preserved in the ancient world. Imagine the cheers of spectators as athletes competed in athletic contests and games, showcasing their strength and skill in front of thousands.

Theater: Step into the ancient theater of Aphrodisias, where performances and cultural events once entertained the city's residents. Take in the sweeping views of the surrounding landscape as you explore this iconic venue.

After our exploration of Aphrodisias, we'll take a break for lunch at a local restaurant. Indulge in delicious Turkish cuisine, featuring fresh ingredients and traditional flavors. Whether you prefer kebabs, mezze, or vegetarian dishes, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

As we conclude our tour of Aphrodisias and our delightful lunch break, I hope you've enjoyed this journey through ancient history and culinary delights. From majestic temples to mouthwatering meals, Turkey offers a rich tapestry of experiences for travelers to savor and cherish.

Services Included in the Price

  • Transportation,
  • Speaking Licensed to Guide,
  • Lunch,
  • Entry Fees.

Services Not Included in the Price

  • Your Personal Expenses,
  • Drinks.

1.Additional information

2.Cancellation Conditions

3.Visa Information